Monday, July 23, 2012

Special Care for special wear

I like to get the best wear out of my clothes. I spend money to get quality pieces and I want them to look good and last long. That goes for jeans too. 

Recently, Woolite started their ongoing Long Live Your Jeans Campaign and offered a free sample of Woolite Extra Dark Care. I signed up and got my first sample. When it came, I washed a pair of my jeans and my kids. They came out so soft, and the color was so much truer than it was before. The blue was rich. Considering that all 3 pair were different hues, that is saying something awesome.

Fast forward a week or two, and Crowdtap, the Influencer Marketing Platform, invites me to be a Wooliteer and do a sample share of guess what? Woolite Extra Dark Care. 

It took a while to get the samples in hand, but when I did I already knew how I would distribute them. Since I already have my own bottle of Woolite, I'm obviously already impressed with how great it works, not just on jeans, but on all of our dark clothes. 

For a long time, I thought Woolite was only for delicate laundry. When I was growing up, we used it for under-slips, delicate fabrics, hand washables. With six sisters and my Mom - it was basically our detergent. Now, Woolite can be used for all laundry. It sure is being used on jeans and dark clothes around my house.

If you haven't tried it yet, make sure you do soon. Woolite Extra Dark Care - visit them on Facebook. Long live your jeans - and mine!

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