Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Win in February!

Since February is "I love me some ME" month at BD&V, there will be a few giveaways, and a few ways to win! I always love getting something great in the mail, and my kids are addicted to seeing the 'brown box' truck pull up!

The twitter giveaway will run for several weeks and give followers a chance to win every week. To have a chance to win you must first have joined BD&V in both of the following manners:

Join us on Google + - by adding BD&V to one of your circles
Follow us on Twitter- leave a comment showing us that you are now following @BDandV in the comment section of this post.

During each week, the hour for winning will be posted, and the twitter conversation on relationships and holidays will be open on twitter. That is when a random winner will be chosen from that weeks entries.  Remember, you have to have fulfilled both requirements to win!

There will be other giveaways coming, including one from a brilliant jeweler who creates one of a kind pieces! This month is about showing love to yourself, and I want to help you! Let's have fun and indulge.

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